Our team at Natural Health have put this short article together to better explain how the Endocannabinoids sytem works. Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters.  They send nerve impulses to trigger effects on the body.  When cannabis is introduced to the body, the cannabinoids mimic the endocannabinoids so the brain recognizes them and allows them to tweak normal brain communication.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a very important role in the human body for our survival. This is due to its ability to play a critical role in maintaining the homeostasis of the human body.

]\\hich encompasses the brain, endocrine, and immune system, to name a few.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?

Our endocannabinoid system consists of numerous endocannabinoids;  these are neurotransmitters that bind to receptors throughout our system.  Theendocannabinoid system helps regulate a variety of cognitive and physiological processes in the body. Such as memory, pain, stress response and appetite.

CB1 receptors regulate pain, appetite, mood, coordination and other functions.

CB2 receptors are prevalent in the body and immune system and primarily affect pain and inflammation.

When you consume cannabis, the plants cannabinoids bind to the receptors in a manner similar to a key fitting into a lock.

Cannabinoids also have the ability to bind a variety of neurotransmitter receptors in the brain and nervous system.  This allows for potentially new treatment methods that could be able to complement current therapies or provide treatment options when current options are not proving effective. There are a large number of long term medical trials that are confirming what we knew for years. The Endocannabinoid system responds well to cannabinoid supplementation.

Medical cannabis oils contain cannabinoid’s which effects on the brain appear to be many and profound. If you would like to know more about how our range of premium CBD oils. Please contact us today. Our team is onhand to help advise which of our products would be best suited for your health condition.

Shop now: https://naturaltherapy.co.za/products/

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